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Question and Answer: Multiple Choice

Exercise I: Introductory Food Technology

Exercise I

Introductory Food Technology


Exercise II

Technology of Foods of Plant Origin  


Exercise III

Technology of Foods of Animal Origin  


Exercise IV

Food Quality Management


Exercise V

Food Engineering/Packaging


Exercise VI

Food Microbiology & Biotechnology


Exercise VII

Flavour Chemistry Technology


Exercise VIII

Consumer Sciences / Food Product Development / Health Foods



  1. Introduction to food technology.

  2. Food processing industries/institutions/food scientists of importance in India.

  3. Food attributes viz. colour, texture, flavour, nutritive value and consumer preferences.

  4. Causes of food spoilage, sources of microbial contamination of foods, food borne illnesses, water activity and its relation to spoilage of foods.

  5. Spoilage of processed products and their detection.

  6. Principles and methods of food preservation.

  7. Food fortification, Composition and related quality factors for processing.

  8. Methods of food preservation such as heat processing, pasteurization, canning, dehydration, freezing, freeze drying, fermentation, microwave, irradiation and chemical additives.

  9. Refrigerated and modified atmosphere storage.

  10. Aseptic preservation, hurdle technology, hydrostatic pressure technology and microwave processing.

  11. Use of non-thermal technologies (microfiltration, bacteriofugation, ultra high voltage electric fields, pulse electric fields, high pressure processing, irradiation, thermosonication), alternate-thermal technologies (ohmic heating, dielectric heating, infrared and induction heating) and biological technologies (antibacterial enzymes, bacteriocins, proteins and peptides) in food processing.