Exercise I
Introductory Food Technology
Exercise II
Technology of Foods of Plant Origin
Exercise III
Technology of Foods of Animal Origin
Exercise IV
Food Quality Management
Exercise V
Food Engineering/Packaging
Exercise VI
Food Microbiology & Biotechnology
Exercise VII
Flavour Chemistry Technology
Exercise VIII
Consumer Sciences / Food Product Development / Health
Flavour composition
of foods/beverages (identification and quantitative analysis
of the flavour precursors and their products,
characterization of the staling reaction using stable
Flavour composition
of foods/beverages in relation with maturation and microbial
activity/or the processing conditions (e.g. fermented dairy
products, beer, wine, honey, fruits).
Analysis of odour-active
compounds of food/beverages (Charm analysis).
Synthesis of
flavour by microorganisms and plant cells.
Lipid derived
Investigation of
equilibrium of key flavour compounds that govern the flavour
stability of beverages.
Natural antioxidant
constraints in spices.
Role of
microorganisms in flavour development.
Flavor emulsions,
flavour composites, essential oils and oleoresins.